Solo star Alden Ehrenreich says Han shot first

We had a lot of questions for Alden Ehrenreich when he showed up alongside stars Donald Glover, Emilia Clarke, and Paul Bettany for a Solo: A Star Wars Story Town Hall that will air on SiriusXM’s Entertainment Weekly Radio (channel 105) on Thursday, May 24 at 6 p.m. But there was one question that mattered above all others: Who shot first?

We asked it simple and we asked it plain: Who shot first in Star Wars: A New Hope — Han Solo or Greedo? In the original 1977 theatrical run, it was Han who fired the first lethal blow while sitting across from the Rodian bounty hunter in the Tatooine Cantina.

When the Special Edition of the film came out in 1997, however, Han’s shot was only in response to a prior blast from Greedo (who also simultaneously displayed what can only be considered the worst aim in history). Then, it was changed again later with the two seeming to fire simultaneously (with Greedo maintaining his terrible aim).

“Han Shot First” has become a rallying cry for Star Wars fans who feel the change drastically altered what made the scoundrel Han Solo so appealing in the first place. So we asked the man who now plays him for his thoughts on the controversy. Sooooooo, who shot first?

“Han,” replies Ehrenreich without missing a beat.

RIGHT ANSWER! We also asked the star why the distinction is so important to people. “I think it’s just fun,” says Ehrenreich. “It’s part of the swagger cowboy of the whole character and everything. I think one thing that is true about him and that you get to enjoy in this movie is that it’s kind of the dark underworld gangster underbelly of the Star Wars universe, and you gotta be quick and cunning if you’re going to make it there.”

RELATED VIDEO: J.J. Abrams answers definitively “Did Han shoot first?”

Incidentally, Ehrenreich’s costars all agree with him that Han shot first.

“100 percent,” says Bettany.

“Yeah, yeah,” says Glover.

“We’re behind you,” says Clarke.

We’re all behind Ehrenreich when it comes to that answer.

Check out the entire Town Hall conversation with the cast of Solo: A Star Wars Story on Entertainment Weekly Radio (SiriusXM, channel 105) on Thursday, May 24 at 6 p.m.

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