Watch a toddler take over this TV news segment

Kids will do the darndest things — and live TV is the perfect platform.

On Wednesday, a toddler wreaked havoc on an ITV lunchtime news segment when visiting the studio with her mother and brother to discuss milk allergies, but newsreader Alistair Stewart handled it like a pro.

While her brother answered questions about cutting milk from his diet and the news anchor and mother discussed the newly-issued guidelines for testing babies for this potentially-deadly condition, the little girl, named Iris, decided sitting still was too boring and clambered up onto the news desk. An unfazed Stewart simply told her to “just carry on there” and resumed the interview. And so she continued for the remainder of her on-air time.

When the segment came to a close, Stewart told viewers, “I think we’ll have a more peaceful time at 6.30, but from all of us, a very good afternoon to you,” before giving the youngster a high-five as the credits rolled.

After some viewers criticized Iris’ mother’s parenting skills on Twitter, but the veteran newsreader chimed in in her defense.

Watch the adorable video above.

This isn’t the first time this year a child has interrupted a news segment. Back in March, during a BBC interview, a political science expert had his interview adorably wrecked by his daughter and son.

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